Chocolat Pancakes

Chocolate Pancakes

                                                   Easy making pancakes for the whole family 

  • Ingredients / for 6 people
  • 500 g flour T45
  • 6 medium eggs
  • 1 l of skimmed 1/2 milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon fine salt
  • 50 g of melted butter
  • 2 tablespoons homemade vanilla sugar (or 2 sachets)
  • 1 tablespoon of amber rum
  • butter or oil for cooking and fine sugar


1Melt the butter for 60 seconds in the microwave and set aside. Pour the sifted flour into a large bowl and make a well. Put the eggs in the well and gradually add them with the whisk by hand. Liquefy the dough (without adding all the flour to the eggs) by adding small amounts of milk (it is easier to thin a pancake batter than the opposite!) And continue until the 3 ingredients are completely amalgamated.

2 Add salt, vanilla sugar and rum, then finish with melted butter, mix well to obtain a smooth paste. Cover and let stand at room temperature for at least 1 hour. If you prepare this dough in advance, you will need to keep it cool and cook the pancakes within 24 hours.

3 Heat a pan / pancake  (round cast iron or electric pancake pan) over high heat. Put the chosen fat in a bowl and make a "buffer" with oil absorbent paper or 1/2 apple on a fork. Personally I take a silicone brush that I rub on fresh butter. Lightly grease the pan and pour some dough by turning the pan to completely coat the entire surface of the dough. Do not keep this first pancake because it will be indigestible and badly cooked. Proceed in the same way to cook the pancakes, 2 minutes for the first side, return and continue cooking for 1 minute. Place the pancake on a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar (which prevents them from sticking together). If at the time of cooking, the first crepe sticks, add a little warm water (mustard glass maximum) mix and .

Accompanying ideas: 
Heat the pancake maker over medium heat. Just butter 1/2 of salt and powdered sugar: brush the pancake in the pan with fresh butter and immediately sprinkle with sugar and let the sugar melt, fold in half and repeat the operation and fold in half again and serve warm. Or: place on the pancake in the pan small pieces of dark chocolate, milk, milk / caramel, white or like me from 1848 foal, and possibly flaked almonds. Or garnished with jams or salted butter caramel of your choice. Or sugar with a little lemon juice or lemon curd.

PS: if you like this recipe and made it so far don't forget to leave a like or a comment , iit really will help your brother out and thank you for reading in advance  :) 

Contact me on Instagram : @RedouaneAllouch


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